Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Matthew Kennedy; Robert Lowell; Nancy Rocheleau; Ken Strom (late); Anthony Costello; Michael Scott; Leonard Anderson
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Pamela Harding; Cynthia Smith
Others: Paul McManus - EcoTec; Dan Leahy - CB Blair Development; Jonathan Markey- Foresite Engineering Associates, Inc.; Jonathon Finkelstein - Atty. for Louis Montzoures; Maureen Finlay - Finlay Engineering Services; Stephen Sears - Ross Associates; Karin & Charles Brewer; Chad Cox - GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc.; John & Lucille Dufault; Joe Lee - Chestnut Forestry Services; Mike Andrade - Graves Engineering; Clealand Blair Jr. - C.B. Blair; Paul Roche; Brent Hiller; George Dresser; Priscilla Holman; Tristan Lundgren - DCR; Rick Sampson; Margaret McCandless; Glenn Krevosky - EBT; Paul Conger; Tom Capone; Chris Bolster; Ben Clark - HS &T Group; Carl Hultgren - Quinn Engineering Inc.; Dan Nason - Town of Holden Engineer.
The meeting began at 7:00 p.m.
Forest Stewardship - Joe Lee was present and brought an updated plan. He has reviewed the resources on the property. The wood quality would only be used for firewood. Some of the area as it currently stands is not conducive to wildlife but could be managed to promote a better habitat for the wildlife. The entire area would be broken into several smaller lots where they would be bid out one or two at a time to have the wood harvested. The highest bidder would pay up front the cost and Joe Lee will be paid a percentage from the bid. The balance of money would then go back into the system to continue the program. The benefits of this forest stewardship will be to create trails for the public to access while also creating access to the inner forest in the event of a fire. It will also promote better habitat for the
wildlife. The next step in proceeding with this plan would be to submit the plan to the state that will in turn send someone out to verify the work to be done and have the plan accepted. Joe said that he would be available to the Town over the next several years during this process.
WRHS - Mike Andrade from Graves Engr. who is representing DEP was present. Mike makes daily visits to the site. Since January the site has been under a stop work order that was just lifted today April 5th. There is still a large amount of ground work that needs to be done on the site and the goal is to have it completed by fall of this year. Board members were invited to contact Mike to view the site.
NOI Alden Woods Sewer - Dan Leahy and Clea Blair Jr. were present. Dan brought in an updated plan of the site for the conservation measures that have been done to date. The stockpiles of material still have not been stabilized. The Board wants erosion fabric or a geo textile material to be used in the interim while the applicant is in the process of removing the material. The material should be covered with the fabric at the end of each day during this process. The Board requested that this material be in place by the end of the week. This part of the subdivision has been permitted by the courts so the storm water basins that were on the plan before need to be submitted to this Board for water quality review. The present N.O.I. will need to be amended to reflect these changes along with the house lots and a
proposed stabilization plans. This case was continued to May 3rd.
N.O.I. 11 Courtney Dr. - The applicant has asked for a continuance to May 3rd.
N.O.I. Wachusett Woods - Carl Hultgren, Paul McManus and Jonathon Finkelstein were present. The applicant is proposing to use wicks in the bottom of the basins to help infiltration of the water into the ground. They have increased the size of the infiltration basin. M. Scott moved to close the hearing and N. Rocheleau seconded. The vote was unanimous.
NOI Wachusett Woods Lots 15-25 Carl Hultgren, Paul McManus and Jonathon Finkelstein were present. Carl presented revisions to the lots. R. Lowell asked what would go on the areas next to the BVW. It will be a wild mix. The Board wants a permanent line of demarcation placed on all the lots along the 25' no touch setback. L. Anderson moved to close the hearing and N. Rocheleau seconded. The vote was unanimous.
NOI 1800 Main St. - Jonathan Markey was present. They are waiting for equipment to come in before they can stabilize the area. This case was continued to the next meeting.
NOI Sheffield Way- Maureen Finlay was present. She presented revisions that they have made to the plan. R. Lowell moved to close the hearing and N. Rocheleau seconded. The vote was unanimous.
NOI Unionville Dam - Chad Cox was present. This is a repair project for the dam. The Historic Commission is concerned about stone walls in the area so the debris in the area will be removed by hand. The will lower the pond to re-sleeve the culvert. Chad stated that the Town is currently talking with DCR on permanent solutions to this dam in general. DCR wants to start work around June. L. Anderson moved to close the hearing and N. Rocheleau seconded. The vote was unanimous.
NOI Cloudcroft - Ben Clark and Chris Bolster were present. These lots will need septic systems and are required to have sprinkler systems. Roof runoff will go into cultec chambers. They are proposing a 200% replication area for disturbed area in the wetlands. They will submit their report from EcoTec to the Board later as they had just received it and did not have enough copies. Road runoff will be discharged to culverts and then on to the wetlands. The Board requested that they have alternatives which incorporated better pretreatment of the stormwater management for the road. This case was continued to the next meeting.
NOI 597 Malden St. - Stephen Sears was present. This project is an upgrade to a filing sewage system. Silt fence and haybales are around the entire work area in the 100' buffer area. M. Kennedy asked what the condition of the proposed slope would be. L. Anderson stated that the applicant has already cut down all the trees on the slope. P. Harding will check with the BOH to make sure the septic system has been approved. M. Kennedy requested that erosion control fabric be placed on the slope and that shrubbery is planted to stabilize long term. N. Rocheleau moved to close the hearing and L. Anderson seconded. The vote was unanimous.
NOI 179 Doyle Rd. - Glen Krevosky and Rick Sampson were present. 1500 sq. ft. of wetlands have been altered. The applicant is going to take the piles of soil out of the wetlands and re-seed with a wetland seed mix. The Board requested a plan showing more detail, a larger scale. Included should be drive areas, boulder wall, shed, replication area and 25' no disturb line. P. Harding will meet with Glen and K. Strom for a site meeting. The case was continued to May 3rd.
Informal Discussion 60 Dorothy Ave. - Paul Conger was present and proposed to plant trees / vegetation in the rear of his property. He would like to extend the side of his lawn and the Board agreed to it if he planted a larger area in the rear. The Board asked him to draw up a plan on what he would propose as far as area. R. Lowell will do a site visit to see how much of the area needs to be restored. This case was continued to May 3rd.
RDA 41 Oakcrest Ave. - Nancy Rocheleau was present and recused herself from the Board. After some discussion, L. Anderson moved to issue a negative determination. K. Strom seconded and the vote was unanimous.
COC Quinapoxet Woods - Continued to May 3rd.
Stormwater Management Guidelines - Continued to May 3rd.
Minutes - N. Rocheleau moved to accept the minutes of March 1 with one change of The to They. R. Lowell seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Greenwood Parkway Extension of Time - N. Rocheleau moved to extend the time on 3 NOIs (183-369,371,375) for an additional year. R. Lowell seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Other Business
**A house on one of the lots that require restoration work to be completed on a previous Con. Comm. filing is up for sale. This house is situated on Mark Circle.
**N. Rocheleau moved to ratify an Enforcement Order that P. Harding issued to PLMCO Realty In. (Busy Bee on Rt. 68). R. Lowell seconded and the vote was unanimous.
N. Rocheleau moved to ratify an Enforcement Order that P. Harding issued to Robert DiPerrio at 51 High Street. R. Lowell seconded and the vote was unanimous.
**Dan Nason wanted to inform the Board of the Town's intent to fix culverts and pave Bailey Road. The Board asked him to file a N.O.I.
**Tristan Lundgren informed the Board that DCR has lifted the stop order at the W.R.H.S. site with some conditions.
Orders of Conditions
Wachusett Woods - A. Costello moved to issue a Standard OOC with one special condition that all lots will have a dry well, which can be placed down to the water table, for roof run-off. R. Lowell seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Wachusett Woods Lots 15-25 - K. Strom moved to issue a Standard OOC with 2 special conditions: 1. A permanent demarcation, for the purposes of preventing intrusion into the wetland, approved by the Conservation Agent shall be placed 25' from the wetland boundary. 2. Dry wells, which can be placed down to the water table, will be used for all roof run-offs. 3. The Order of Conditions attached to each lot 15-25 must be issued separate C.O.C.s if applicable. . R. Lowell seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Sheffield Way - K. Strom moved to issue a Standard OOC with one special condition that the applicant shall submit a SWPPP before any work commences. R. Lowell seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Union St. Dam - M. Scott moved to issue a Standard OOC and K. Strom seconded. The vote was unanimous.
597 Malden St. - L. Anderson moved to issue a Standard OOC with one special condition that the applicant submits a plan that will show the slope stabilization and re-vegetation plan. A. Costello seconded and the vote was unanimous.
M. Scott moved to close the meeting at 11:00 p.m. and A. Costello seconded. The vote was unanimous.
The next meeting is scheduled for May 3, 2006